Published 1/29/2024

Do you know someone making a difference in Central PA?
Maybe it’s your child’s teacher, who takes extra time to explain things to students.
Or the quiet volunteer of a local organization who keeps things running behind the scenes.
Or a nurse at a local hospital or nursing home who provided exceptional care to you or a loved one.
The options are endless and We want to know!
Lapp Electric is currently seeking nominations for individuals making a difference in Central PA.
Twelve random winners will be selected (one each month) over the course of 2024 to win…
- #LappToTheRescue T-Shirt (sizes available Adult M-2XL)
- $100 Gift Card to Agape Cafe & Grille
- 15% off any work performed at the winners home for 1-year (up to $2,000 in savings, not valid with any other offers or promotions).
Winners will be selected at the end of each month. Once contacted, winners and the person who nominated them will have two-weeks to stop by our office together to receive the award, have their picture taken and participate in a brief interview. A subsequent blog post will be written about each winner based on the nomination(s) and interview.
Know someone who should be nominated? Read through the list of qualifications, fill out the form below and look for announcements regarding winners.
- Nominees and the person nominating may not be a current or previous Lapp Electric employee or family member of a current or previous Lapp Electric employee or be related to the Lapp family.
- Nominees must live, work and volunteer in Central PA (Lancaster County, York County, Lebanon County, Berks County or Chester County).
- No self-nominations will be accepted. We are looking to honor individuals who go above and beyond without expecting anything in return.
- The person nominating an individual will need the name and contact information (address, phone number and email address) of the person they are nominating.
- If you nominate an individual and your nominee is a winner, you will win a #LappToTheRescue T-Shirt (sizes available M-2XL) and 5% off any work performed at your home for 1-year (up to $2,000 in savings, not valid with any other offers or promotions).
- Lapp Electric reserves the right to use any statements made in entries for marketing purposes for this campaign.