Lapp Electric Turns 50 – Week 28 (Trade Shows, Generator Rental, Positive Attitude)

For the past 28 weeks, we have been looking back on the history of Lapp Electric as well as taking a look back at the year 1969.

If you have not been tracking with us over the past 6+ months, you may be curious why the year 1969?

After years of doing electrical work as a side job, in 1969, Manny Lapp, finally decided to follow his passion of starting Lapp Electric. His sole mission for Lapp was simple…provide the best service for his customers.

According to Manny, he ran the business from “the seat of my pants” while Flossie, co-founder of Lapp Electric and wife of Manny, helped out taking care of the books and raising their three sons.

1969 was not only a memorable year for Lapp Electric but also for the United States and the world.

On July 13, 1969, the Soviets launched an unmanned spacecraft, known as the Luna 15, into orbit. This “was the second Soviet attempt to return lunar soil back to Earth with a goal to outstrip the US in achieving a sample return in the Moon race.”

A few day later, on July 21st, the same day that Neil Armstrong became the first person to step on the moon, Luna 15 crashed into the moon.

Just as hard as it is to believe that it has been 50 years since Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon, it is hard to believe that 2019 marks Lapp Electric’s 50th year anniversary.   

52 Memories of 50 Years

This week’s memory takes us back to expos and trade shows of years past. Over the years we have participated in various expos from the Lancaster Chamber Business Expo to Home Shows to 50+ Expos.

On March 20, 2009, we first introduced our 40-Point CASE at the BIA Spring Home Show.

Ever wonder about the origin of trade shows?

According to Elevate…“Today’s trade shows trace their roots back to the 12th century in late medieval Europe, a time which saw the beginnings of merchant capitalism. It was an era that spurred some of the earliest developments of modern-day capitalism as an economic and social system. Under merchant capitalism, farmers, craftsmen, and merchants would visit towns and come together for trading fairs in order to showcase and sell their products. This form of capitalism continued to grow over the centuries, seeing significant economic force in the 16th century and giving way to industrial capitalism by the beginning of the 19th century. But even then, the practice of trade shows and exhibitions continued, especially in Europe and North America, so that industry leaders could showcase the latest advances being made in manufacturing and technology.

Work Site

In need of a generator for your next event?

Did you know that we have generators to rent, including this 62KW generator?

Over the years we have rented this generator out for numerous events in the area and have used it on many projects.

L.A.P.P.E.R. Inspiration

P = Positive Attitude

“Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.” – Lou Holtz

We Want to Hear from You

Do you have a favorite memory of Lapp Electric? Whether you are a customer, current or former Lapp Electric Team Member, Vendor, Community member or friend of the Lapp family, we would love to hear what your favorite memory of Lapp Electric has been.

Do you have pictures of Lapp Electric that you would be willing to share with us? Whether it is of our vans, employees or job sites, we would love to see them. Pictures can be emailed to or stop by our office with your pictures so we can scan them.

Be sure to follow us on social media and check back next week as we explore more into the history of Lapp Electric as well as Neil Armstrong’s historic walk on the moon.